
What Is Blockchain Infrastructure?

What Is Blockchain Infrastructure?

What Is Blockchain Infrastructure?

Blockchain infrastructure refers to the underlying technological components and protocols that enable a blockchain network to function. It comprises an intricate web of hardware, software, and communication protocols that facilitates the decentralized recording of transactions, the execution of smart contracts, and the maintenance of a secure and transparent digital ledger.

Layers of the Blockchain

While the blockchain's core principle is a singular, unchangeable chain of blocks, understanding its architecture can be simplified by viewing it as a series of interconnected layers, each serving a distinct yet vital purpose. These layers work harmoniously to create the robust and decentralized system we know as the blockchain. 

Let's peel back these layers, from the foundational hardware to the user-facing applications:

  • Infrastructure Layer

  • Networking Layer

  • Consensus Layer

  • Data Layer

  • Application Layer


At the base of the blockchain pyramid lies the infrastructure layer, the physical foundation upon which the entire system operates. The infrastructure layer consists of the hardware components, such as powerful computers and servers, that provide the necessary computational power and storage capacity to run the blockchain network. These computers, known as nodes, store a copy of the entire blockchain, constantly validating and relaying transactions to maintain network integrity.

In the proof-of-work system, specialized hardware like ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) is used for mining, a computationally intensive process that verifies and adds new blocks to the chain. Adding new blocks demands substantial energy consumption and computing resources, making the hardware infrastructure a critical component of the blockchain's overall performance and security.


The networking layer facilitates communication and interaction between the various nodes within the blockchain network. Node discovery allows new nodes to join the network and identify other active participants, fostering a robust and interconnected ecosystem.

Once a node is connected, information propagation takes over. Each node broadcasts transaction data and new blocks to its neighboring nodes, ensuring that everyone in the network stays updated with the latest information. Through this process, the layer’s peer-to-peer (P2P) communication network eliminates the need for central authorities, ensuring censorship resistance and resilience.

Furthermore, the networking layer is responsible for transaction verification. Multiple nodes validate each transaction before it's added to the blockchain, checking its authenticity, confirming the sender's sufficient funds, and ensuring compliance with the blockchain's protocol rules.


The consensus layer enables all network nodes to reach an agreement on the validity of transactions and their order of addition to the blockchain. Doing so guarantees a shared, consistent view of the ledger across all nodes, preventing double-spending and other fraudulent activities.

Two prominent consensus mechanisms are Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS). In PoW, nodes compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles to add new blocks to the chain. 

  • Proof of Work (PoW): PoW is the original consensus mechanism used by Bitcoin. It relies on miners competing to solve complex mathematical puzzles to add new blocks to the blockchain. The first miner to solve the puzzle gets to add the block and is rewarded with cryptocurrency.   

  • Proof of Stake (PoS): PoS is a more energy-efficient alternative to PoW. In PoS, validators are chosen to create blocks based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral. Validators are then incentivized to act honestly, as any malicious behaviour could result in their staked tokens being slashed.


The data layer is where the blockchain's core function of recording and storing information resides. It operates as a digital ledger where all transactions are meticulously documented in a series of blocks. Each block contains a collection of transactions, a timestamp, and a reference to the previous block, forming an unbroken chain of data.

The data layer’s chain-like structure ensures immutability—once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. Immutability in the data layer also means high transparency and security, making blockchain ideal for applications where trust and accountability are paramount. Additionally, the data layer incorporates cryptographic techniques like hashing and digital signatures to protect the integrity and privacy of the stored information.


The application layer interfaces with the underlying blockchain to provide user-facing functionality. It's where smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) are implemented. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They automate tasks, facilitate transactions, and enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries.   

dApps leverage smart contracts and other blockchain technologies to create a new generation of applications that are transparent, secure, and censorship-resistant. These applications span various domains, including decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending platforms, gaming, and supply chain management solutions.

The application layer is where the true potential of blockchain technology is realized, offering endless possibilities for innovation and disruption across various industries.

How Does a Blockchain Work?

A blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.

Unlike traditional systems that rely on a central authority or intermediary, blockchains operate on a network of computers, or nodes, distributed across the globe. Through a decentralized structure, coupled with the use of cryptographic security, it is difficult for a single entity to have control over the network, making the blockchain resistant to censorship and manipulation. 

The result is a transparent and tamper-proof system that fosters trust and accountability among participants.

Let’s break down the process of how a blockchain works:

  • Transaction Initiation: A user initiates a transaction, which could be anything from sending cryptocurrency to executing a smart contract.

  • Transaction Verification: The transaction is broadcast to the network of nodes. These nodes validate the transaction and the user's status using known algorithms.

  • Block Creation: Once verified, the transaction is combined with other transactions to create a new block of data for the ledger.

  • Block Validation: The new block is then sent to all nodes in the network for validation.

  • Block Addition: Once the block is validated, it's added to the existing blockchain in a way that's permanent and unalterable.

  • Transaction Completion: With the block added to the blockchain, the transaction is complete, and all relevant parties are updated.

Each block in the chain contains a unique cryptographic hash, along with the hash of the previous block and the timestamped transaction data. Layering each block atop another creates an unbreakable chain where any attempt to alter a single block would invalidate all subsequent blocks, making it virtually impossible to tamper with the data.

Moreover, as the blockchain is a distributed ledger, every participant in the network maintains a copy of it. Its redundancy ensures that even if one node fails, the data remains intact and accessible, contributing to the system's resilience and robustness.

In essence, a blockchain functions as a continuously growing list of records (blocks) linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. By design, blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data.

With its’ chain-like structures, any attempt to alter or delete a transaction would require modifying all subsequent blocks, which is virtually impossible in a decentralized network. Inherent immutability unique to the blockchain provides a high level of security and trust, making blockchains ideal for various applications beyond just cryptocurrencies.

Smart contracts further enhance the functionality of blockchain networks. These self-executing contracts automatically enforce the terms of an agreement when predefined conditions are met, eliminating the need for intermediaries, and streamlining processes across various industries.

From supply chain management and healthcare, to voting and real estate, blockchain's potential applications are far-reaching. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative use cases to emerge, transforming the way we interact with digital information.

Key Elements of a Blockchain

Now that you’ve grasped the fundamental workings of a blockchain, let's dissect the core components that give it its unique characteristics and capabilities.

  • Distributed Ledger: A blockchain functions as a distributed digital ledger, a shared database that is replicated across multiple nodes. The shared ledger records all transactions in a transparent and immutable manner, providing an auditable history that can be accessed by anyone within the network. 

  • Cryptography: Cryptography provides a robust security layer that safeguards blockchain data. Utilizing techniques like hashing and digital signatures, it ensures the integrity and privacy of transactions while maintaining transparency.

  • Consensus Mechanisms: To achieve agreement on the validity of transactions and the order in which they're added to the blockchain, consensus mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) are employed. These mechanisms ensure that all nodes maintain a consistent view of the shared ledger.

  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automate tasks, facilitate transactions, and enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries, promoting efficiency and transparency. 

Together, these core elements empower the blockchain to serve as a secure, transparent, and decentralized platform for a wide range of applications. From facilitating cryptocurrency transactions to enabling the creation of decentralized applications, blockchain technology continues to evolve and disrupt industries across the globe.

Types of Blockchains

Currently, there are at least four main types of blockchain networks: public blockchains, private blockchains, consortium blockchains, and hybrid blockchains. Each type has unique characteristics and applications, catering to different needs and use cases.   

Public Blockchains

Public blockchains are the most recognizable type, often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. These blockchains are permissionless and decentralized, meaning anyone can participate in the network, validate transactions, and contribute to the consensus process. They operate on a principle of transparency, with the entire transaction history publicly viewable.

Public blockchains are ideal for applications requiring trustlessness and censorship resistance. However, their open nature can lead to slower transaction speeds and scalability challenges due to the large number of participants.

Private Blockchains

Private blockchains, in contrast, operate within a closed network or under the control of a single entity. Access to the network is permissioned, meaning only authorized participants with a private key can join and contribute to the blockchain. Private blockchains offer enhanced privacy and control over data, making them suitable for enterprise use cases where confidentiality is paramount.

While private blockchains excel in terms of speed and scalability due to their limited number of nodes, they sacrifice some degree of decentralization. The controlling entity maintains significant authority over the network, raising concerns about censorship and potential manipulation.

Consortium Blockchains

Consortium blockchains strike a balance between public and private models. They are governed by a group of organizations or entities that share control over the network. While participation is still restricted, consortium blockchains foster collaboration and trust among the members.

Consortium blockchains are often used in industries where multiple organizations need to share data and collaborate on processes, such as supply chain management or financial services.

Hybrid Blockchains

Hybrid blockchains combine elements of both public and private blockchains, offering selective transparency and customizable access levels. They provide a flexible solution for organizations seeking the benefits of both decentralization and control.

Hybrid blockchains allow businesses to keep sensitive data private while making certain information publicly available. Their adaptability makes them attractive for various use cases, particularly in regulated industries where compliance and data privacy are crucial.

Each type of blockchain presents its own set of trade-offs and considerations. The choice of blockchain architecture depends on the specific requirements of the application or use case. By understanding the characteristics and advantages of each type, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions about which blockchain best suits their needs.

How to Trade on Flipster?

Ready to put your knowledge into action and start trading on Flipster? Here's how to trade:

  1. Sign up for an account on the Flipster website or by downloading the Flipster app (Android or Apple)

  2. Click the [Trade] tab.

  3. Search for ETHUSDT and click on it.

  4. Select the leverage (up to 100x).

  5. Select either a Trigger Order or Market Order.

  6. Enter the amount of USDT you want to trade or choose a percentage of your available funds.

  7. Once you have confirmed the details, click the [Long] or [Short] button to open a position

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