Bonus APR Week: Boost your earnings +5% APR
Exclusive to Million-Dollar Fest Participants. Keep earning beyond the fest with an extra 5% APR on your USDT staked in Flipster's Million-Dollar Fest.

Campaign Period

Earn more on your USDT
Get an extra 5% APR on your USDT account balance for one week, up to the amount staked in the Million-Dollar Fest.
But that's not all! The Flipster x TON partnership will begin on April 1, 2025, allowing you to continue to earn additional APR rewards.
Unlock extra APR now!
How to qualify for Bonus APR Week
Users who’ve staked USDT in the Million-Dollar Fest Launchpool and fulfil the requirements below will be qualified.
Trade at least 500,000 USDT in volume during the Bonus APR Week.
Maintain a net deposit > 0 USDT throughout the Bonus APR Week.
Reward will be distributed based on the average USDT you’ve staked in the Million-Dollar Fest launchpool.
Multipliers applicable to the Million-Dollar Fest launchpool will not be considered for the Bonus APR Week rewards.
Bonus APR Week rewards will be distributed by April 1, 2025 23:59 UTC
Terms and conditions